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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 20th Birthday Emily Fah:D

To: Emily Happy 20th birthday, i managed to get of our bro and sis in Christ to broadcast live their birthday greetings for u after the Mandarin mass today:D
The last video was me singing Happy B'day to u in French, hopefully my French lecturer never know my blog link cuz my French pronunciation is still quite poor(face turned red)
May God's blessings shower upon u always
May u get wiser, cuter:P and better as u get older
Thanx for being such a good soul in my life and a caring&dedicated member in CSS
I wish you every happiness:D


  1. Hey dear Vanessa...
    So sorry for not dropping comment on this post...
    I was real busy till today...
    I've finally got some time to come here...XD...
    Well,I'm super touched with the video!
    Knowing that everyone's here!!!
    Glad to have you all around!!
    Vanessa!Thankx alot!
    I really had a wonderful 20th Birthday!!
    Missing you all!!!

  2. i new tat birthday song... lols
